Grower Metske runs a market garden out of Bore Place in Kent. He came onboard as one of our suppliers via the Better Food Shed in 2020, and has supplied us with beetroot, cabbage, celeriac, chard, fennel, lettuce, spinach, squash and swede. Metske says: “Last year was the first year here for me as an independent grower after working 2 years as an employee for Bore Place. I grown organic vegetables for 13 years near Hastings but as my lease was not renewed I had to look for another place to grow veg. Bore Place offered me an initial 2 year employment with the outlook to taking it on as my own. Moving from Hastings closer to London opened up the opportunity to get in touch with the Better Food Shed. First of all it is an joy to supply and trade with people who are in it for the right reasons, locally produced, respect for nature and the people who work the land. Thanks for that. I hope I can pay this back with good quality vegetables for years to come.”